Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2020 Fictional Narrative Fun

A while ago, I wrote a futuristic story set in 2030. I haven't touched it in over three years, but lately a little voice in my creative subconscious has been screaming at me: "2020 is the PERFECT year to unleash the catalyst which propagates the setting for 'Modified'!"

So I picked-up the story the other day. And while it has a long (very long) way to go, it's got the bones of a intriguing tale. In my fictional narrative, the humans of Earth have much bigger problems coming in late 2020/early 2021. Never mind what's in store for them in 2030.

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The ground shook. Her legs wobbled underneath her. At first, she thought it was an earthquake, but it wasn’t just the ground shaking. It was the air all around her. Vibrating…glitching…pulsing…suffocating… sending shock waves through her body, like little pin pricks.

BOOM… she dropped everything, struggling to stand upright. BOOM…it thundered through her. BOOM…she shielded her eyes, looking up in time to see the sun burst. A tiny chunk ripped from the burning sphere. BOOM. A ball of fire sailed, screeching through the sky.

The Aunt and the Athame

A different kind of fairy tale. Traditional fairy tales usually provide caution for poor defenseless little girls. This is more a warning, a...