Saturday, June 11, 2022

Family Business Part 1: Mystics and Mechanics

 The latest in the life of Em De Mone... 

Mystics and Mechanics

There it was. Smack in the Mojave Desert on the outskirts of Las Vegas. One large building. Two shops: Mystics and Mechanics. A garage on one side. Crystals and juju on the other. It belonged to my ‘family’, a term I use lightly. 

They wanted me to be a part of it. Well, the old woman did, and I had to admit I liked Granny. I hadn’t met my dad or most of the others yet. In addition to a dad and a Granny, I had a grandfather a few aunts and uncles, and some cousins. Then there was also some extended family club.

Truthfully though, I’m 24 and at this point, I’m not sure I want a dad, let alone an entire family. The other side was retched, what if this one is too? After foster care and having to banish my mother into another realm, with sisters I never knew I had, family really wasn’t my thing.

As I sat in my little  Saturn, turquoise and surprisingly inexpensive, I stared at the building. My knee bounced uncontrollably as I  gnawed on a hangnail. I’d only been here once before, and I’d fled in a hurry confused and overwhelmed. Since then, I’d tried to block these people and this part of my life out of my mind, until Granny turned up at that Fetish Ball two nights ago. Now that I’ve seen real people scoop out their own eyeballs, everything was different.

I pulled down the visor to check my reflection and procrastinate. My gray eyes stared back at me as I straightened my short, spiked hair. I was in way over my head. I missed my witch school in upstate New York. It was safe and I had friends. Magic was out in the open. It had been fun while it lasted but turns out I’m also half-demon, on my dad’s side. 

Well, when that discovery came to light, things got weird, and rightfully so. I was freaked out by the other side of me, too. Demons, by nature, are evil and loathsome creatures, but I don’t feel like a heinous beast.

I mean sure I’ve had terrible thoughts about others, even stolen once or twice, but evil? It was that stupid family reunion at school. Why didn’t I go to the secluded cabin up at the lake, like the Headmistress suggested? Why did I insist on staying on campus? Why did I ever let Connie talk me into doing that ancestry spell?

Once I’d discovered the truth, along with a small group of ‘friends’, it wasn’t long before news spread and fear set in. First, it was the stares in the halls, followed by the furrowed worried brows of the teachers and staff. Then it was the isolation in the library, the cafeteria, the great room, and pretty much everywhere. No one wanted to stick around to see how a half-demon, half-witch would behave.

 That school had been my first real home. It was the first time I’d ever had friends. It was the first time I’d ever felt safe enough to be me. But once people find out your family tree is a bunch of demons, residing in sunny Las Vegas and leading perfectly normal lives, like I said things got weird.

With little options, and a deep need to know more, I hopped a Greyhound across the country and found myself parked right where I was now. But that had been six months ago. And so much had changed.

I remember the first time I stepped foot in that building. Since I’m part witch, the mystical side was the logical choice. Even though I glanced next door at the garage. There were a lot of greasy people. Some were working. Some were standing around. Most of them looked strong and mean. I gulped and looked around for other customers. I mean this was a place of business, but I didn’t see any. 

Suddenly a man from out of nowhere stood right in front of me. “You have car troubles, ma’am?” He nodded to my Saturn. 

I was just a customer. I was just a customer. “Ah, no. I’m here for the crystals. A chick I work with said there were good ones out here.” I said, surprising myself with the smoothness of my voice. 

“Good stuff in there,” he nodded and scooted me along with his head. 

I smiled and hurried to the Mystical shop. As I pushed the door open, bells chimed and darkness flavored with incense streamed forth. With limited options, I stepped into another world. 

“Hello?” I called when I didn’t see anyone.

A woman came out from behind a curtain. A light shone on her face. I gasped. She gasped. We stood, staring at each other with wide, unknowing eyes. For a moment, I thought I had been transported to the future.

She looked just like me. Same eyes. Same cheekbones. Same jawline. Same forehead. Same lips. The same everything, only she was older with longer darker hair. She said nothing, although I could hear her mind flipping through possible reactions.

 I tensed. What if she charged at me? Oh shit. I just walked into a demon den. Why didn’t I give more thought to being attacked and mauled in the desert before this adventure?  Worry and angst pushed forward, welling up all around me, but I took a breath and let out a nervous laugh,  “Um…”

Older Me narrowed her eyes and pushed an odd smile to her lips, “Give me a quick second, I’ll be right back.” she said and disappeared behind the curtain.

Once she was gone, I spun around, looking for a weapon. There, ebbing and flowing, was a heavy lava lamp-looking thing. That would work. Then I reached into my bag and grabbed the smallest vial containing a purple liquid.  Instant Immobilization. I slipped it into my back pocket and stood closer to the lamp. I really wish I’d thought this through a bit better. 

The curtain rustled and my spine stiffened. Older Me, with her skeptical surprise, returned.  Behind her was an old woman with short gray hair, spiked very similar to mine, but with red tips at the end. She had the same gray eyes as me and Older Me. I gulped.

“Well, look at you…” The old woman said taking a slow walk around, eying me like a prized racehorse.

I resisted the urge to bite my nails but fidgeted from side to side. “My name is Em…

“You’re a De Mone, child. From the looks of the resemblance to Sarah here,” The old woman nodded to Older Me, “I’d bet you’re one of Sebastian's. I’m Granny. Come on in and sit for a second. Let’s have a chat,” she said, gesturing to a couch nearby.

That had been six months ago. Today, in the present moment, my other knee started to bounce. Now, everything was different.

Granny, who also went by Letti, short for her given name Scarlet, had reached out at least once a week since our first encounter. So far, I’ve dodged half of them and made excuses for the others.  I blocked them out, not because they didn’t want me, but because I  wasn’t sure I was ready for this big family with this big responsibility. 

The De Mones isn’t your normal demon biker family. They’re Demon Peace Keepers. And I’m not entirely sure what that means, but it sounds like danger and drama. Whereas I walk more of a ‘live and let live’ path, as long as you’re leaving me alone. That’s what I know best.

I was born Mandalay Wollover and left by my mother in Central Park under a Blood Moon. My whole life has felt like one giant curse. So when the opportunity to become Em De Mone fell into my lap, I jumped at the chance to become her. Sure I longed to have a cool legit name, but more importantly, I wanted to belong somewhere, even in the smallest facet. 

Of course, at that time, I had no idea what the De Mone name meant in Vegas. Even now, I’ve only begun to scratch the surface. But as soon as I’d put the De Mone name on any application, doors sprung wide open. I went from slinging hash at Waffle House to serving cocktails at the top of Las Vegas at the Foundation Room. When I bought the Saturn, the car salesman literally shoved $1500 cash back into my hand. What was I supposed to do? That was the first month's rent, which I also lucked out on. Top floor, elevator, cats allowed, and a 2 bedroom for the price of a first-floor studio. I was so grateful at first, that I didn’t ask. Now, I’m not sure I want to know. 

At the same time, I had made some nice normal human friends, and it felt good to fit in, even if it wasn’t real. It takes a lot of energy to suppress both my halves. And I was doing it well, until…that damn Fetish and Fantasy ball.

Now as I sat here in front of Mystics and Mechanics again, I knew I needed to go in. I had to; there wasn’t another option. But I also knew once I did, nothing would ever be the same. Grabbing my boho bag and keys, I sighed and got out of the car. It was now or never.

Loving Family Business? I'd love to hear your thoughts unless you'd like to keep reading.

👇Check out more of Em De Mone below. 👇

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Regards, Aspen ✌️

Read ahead.
Part 2: Séance in the Shop

Did you miss the Secret Life of Em  De Mone? Catch up here:
Part 1: The Intro 


  1. This is really interesting. Thank you for sharing your first instalment. I look forward to reading the next instalment. Lauren. - bournemouthgirl

  2. Loving this first installment! I feel like it is a good length and the imagery and narrative are gripping.

  3. Loving the first installment! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. That's quite an interesting mix of businesses they've got there. I wouldn't have thought they'd be much use for JuJu stuff in the middle of the desert, but maybe there's a whole unseen world out there ready to be explored in your story

    1. You'd be surprised what you'd find in that desert. 😉 Thank you so much for stopping by!


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