Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Cave

A retelling of a classic fairy tale that takes a completely different path over the river and through the Wood...

Ruby Hood, A Twistedly True Tale

By Aspen Hite 

Before she could see, she could feel. Hard. Wet. Cold. Letting her fingertips stretch out and walk in every direction, she got her bearings. There was the drip, drip, drip of water nearby. And the deep dampness in her bones.  Ruby’s eyes fluttered open, but not a shred of light snuck from any crevice. She must be close to the river, probably tucked into the bluffs. Was it her imagination or was the cave closing in around her? Never a good idea to linger too long, not in the depths of the bluffs. Not in Woodsville.

Rolling over, she hefted herself up, using the sodden surface surrounding her. How did she get here? Why was she here? Her hand clutched her neck, as memories unscrambled themselves.

The Wolf mansion. The mayor. Running. The Mage. Ella had appeared and sent electric shocky sparks right at her. Ruby’s hand dropped to her chest; her breath welled up.  It was all too much.

“Ruby? Is that you?” a whisper slithered through the suffocating silence. “Please help me…”

She cocked her head and listened. Was someone calling her?

Ruby, please Ruby. Ruuuubbbyyy, are you there?

A trap? Maybe. Other options? None. With a reluctant shrug, she followed the hiss of her name. Using the rocks as a guide, she crept along with care. To the side of her, there was an empty darkness as deafening stillness closed the void behind her. Ruby pushed away the fear simmering in her soul and focused on the whispers.

Ruby, can you hear me? Follow the words.

Was the voice getting louder? Stronger? Closer?

Please hurry…Ruby…hear me. Come for me.

Feel like you're missing something? 

Check out the beginning(ish): New Twist on an Iconic Tale


  1. "Before she could see she could feel".
    I love how this simple line drags me down into sudden blindness. With only touch, even a small surface becomes huge and unsure. Slowly I arise into seeing again but still I am lost until focusing on sound helps center me.
    A lovely reading experience!

    1. Thank you! That is high praise from a wordsmith such as yourself! Thank you so much for stopping by...I look forward to your thoughts and insights! Be well. ✌

  2. Chills! Reading that voice calling for Ruby is so eerie. I enjoyed reading this, Aspen xx

    Lynn |

    1. Sweet! Exactly the response I was hoping for. Thanks, Lynn!

  3. What are "bluffs" in the context of the environment you described? Interesting choice of words when you said she cocked her head, which is something canines do a lot, was that deliberate?

    1. Great questions! Bluffs are large cliffs that border rivers (in this story), beaches or other coastal areas. And yes, the cocking of the head was deliberate. ✌


The Shack

It's been a while since I've posted any fiction. The Shack is a short flash from one of those 24 Hour Contests. There is a prompt fo...