Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Family Business Part 10: Death or Life-ish

 The latest in the life of Em De Mone... 

Death or Life-ish

“What the fuck is it NOW?” Nikki screamed at the voice beyond the door.

“It’s Sarah,”  My aunt responded, “I’m here to help.”

My shoulders relaxed, and I let out a sigh of relief.  I leaned over to Violet, “It’s almost over.” She let out a soft whimper and nodded. 

Sarah’s arrival was just the distraction I needed to bring the bullet into my hand. With the magic barrier down, I now had an advantage, but I waited.

“I knew she’d come,” Nikki, smug with hubris, never even paused to check the peephole before he pulled open the door. 

 “I hope you don’t mind,” said Sarah, entering the apartment, “I brought some friends to make this easier for everyone.” 

A bevy of men followed her through the door—all in identical suits, sunglasses, and guns.

“What’s going on? I don’t need your men? I have plenty,” Nikki spun around.

“Oh, these aren’t my men. That guy back there,” Sarah pointed to the one in the leather vest and dirty boots, then gave Nikki a lethal smile, “He’s mine, and if there were more of them, they would’ve broken the door down and snapped your neck.”

“Why didn’t that happen?” Bass, relaxed with his legs up on the couch, interrupted his sister.

“I convinced Paddy to give diplomacy a try first,” Sarah said.

Bass nodded, “Hmph, good for him.”

“What the hell is going on here?” Nikki’s face reddened. He looked like he was about to blow his top until one last person entered the fray. 

Everything in the room shifted.

In walked a man. Tall and commanding, he was dressed in the finest Italian silk, and not a single hair was out of place. 

“Richard,” Nikki hissed.

“Niklaus,” Richard said, “It pains and distresses me the De Mone’s are having problems with a member of our family. Especially after we all agreed to adhere to certain rules and bylaws. Yet here you are, kidnapping young women.”

“And burning them with cigarettes,” Bass added.

“Cigarettes? Really?” said Richard. “Such class, dear brother.”

“I handle my business my way,” Nikki shouted, “Besides, what are you going to do about it?”

Richard clasped his hands behind his back and surveyed the room, “First, we’re going to untie these young women. Sarah, I have a doctor on call.” 

“Thank you, Rich,” Sarah said. She was at my side, resting a hand on my shoulder. With a gentle squeeze, she sent reassurance and a message: say nothing and stay put. 

My dad nodded, and I understood. Don’t let any of them know I got through the Magical shield. Even though they were our allies, they weren’t.

“Our medical people are right downstairs,” Sarah leaned over to untie our ropes, “I’m going to take Violet right now, but Bass and Em will finish up here. I’ll stop by your office this week, and we’ll wrap up this matter.” 

“Of course, Sarah, again, please accept my sincerest apologies,” Richard said.

“It’s all but forgotten, as long as it’s over,” Sarah said, lightly brushing her lips to Richard’s cheek before she looked back to Bass, still uncommonly relaxed on my couch, “See you at home,” she called and followed the club member carrying Violet out the door. 

Nikki opened his mouth to protest, but my dad gave his little cluck-head-shake combo, silencing him.

Richard cleared his throat and took control. “Your time for talking is over, brother. At this point, you have a choice. I will give you two options, but you will decide which is best for you.  And now I suggest you listen carefully and give each one some serious thought. 

Slumping into a chair, Nikki nodded. 

Richard glared down at his brother with his hands behind his back, “Choice one: Death. Stay here with Bass De Mone; he will take you into the desert and make you disappear, one dismembered body part at a time.”

Nikki’s eye’s widened, and he looked to my dad, who tipped his head and confirmed this to be true. 

“Choice two: Life. Turn yourself over to your own family, but not like the times before, Niklaus. You will be entered into a facility and rehabilitated or heavily medicated for the rest of your days. You will live a life of sorts and continue to breathe air.  The choice is yours.”

“So death and dismemberment or a padded room to drool all over myself?” Nikki tossed back his head, “That’s rich, you prick.”

“I’ve been too kind and forgiving over the last years, brother. This is the last time I will allow you to disgrace this family.”

Nikki curled his lip and glowered, then gave a dramatic huff, “Fine, I’ll take Life-ish.” There was nothing left to say. Getting up, he walked out of my apartment. 

“Bass,” Richard extended his hand, “Like I told Sarah, I appreciate your family letting my family handle this.”

My dad stood up and held out his hand, “And like she said, this better be over,” then he leaned into Richard, “You don’t want to make Sarah an enemy. Between you and me, she’s the only person I’m scared of,” He grinned and patted the man on the back, “Now, if you don’t mind…”

“Of course,” Richard waved his arm, and the rest of his people exited. He followed them out, closing the door behind him.

I was alone. With my dad. For the first time in my life. What should I say? Should we hug? I was a little ticked that he was willing to send a bullet into me at point-blank range. But maybe I should ask about Danny Wellman, the beginning of this whole mess. Or I could just start with hello. I wanted to fidget. 

He spoke first, “You hungry?”

“Whoa, what?” My jaw dropped.

To Be Continued

Photo credit: Thank you, Wuestensohn2000 📷

Loving Family Business? I'd love to hear your thoughts unless you'd like to keep reading.
👇Check out more of Em De Mone below. 👇

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Regards, Aspen ✌️

Read ahead.
Part 11: Connection

Part 6: So It Begins
Part 7: Unprepared
Part 8: Kidnapped
Part 9: The Man

Did you miss the Secret Life of Em  De Mone? Catch up here:

Part 1: The Intro 


  1. That's not a choice I'd like to make. Being locked up like that sounds awful. Going out guns blazing would seem like the only option to live on your own terms. It seems like a harsh punishment from his own family too. The only way this scene would be better is if his mum was involved in this somehow

    1. Unless there's more to the story. 🤔 And GREAT advice. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  2. I really enjoy your writing style Aspen!

  3. This is getting better and better, can't wait to check out the next chapter!

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting! ✌️

  4. I love how this chapter started out on a high, tense note and slowly wound down as opposed to building tension. The final paragraph, though, pulled me straight into the scene as her dad's final, simple question brought the chapter it an awesome close!

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your continued support! ✌️


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