Wednesday, January 11, 2023

A New Deal

  Part 5 and the Finale of Short Story: A Deception

📷credit: Thank you, sanoojck

A New Deal

Hades stepped up and rested his hand on Janus’ shoulder, “I hate to interrupt, but you should know I told her I appreciated the help, and I’d take you guys as long as you’re willing. There’s no way I’m going to bind you to guarding the Underworld based on the word of a Siren,” Hades gave her a wink, “No offense, but I had a suspicion.”

“Well, I never!” Nari stuck her bottom lip out and stalked off.

“Say thank you to the nice god for not damning us here for Eternity, darling,” Janus called after her, his eyes dancing with amusement until…

Hades cleared his throat, “Look man, I’ve got to get going, but I will warn you; this entrance is about to get busy. Hydi and her sister Helga are ready to take over whenever you’re ready to vacate. They need a few days to arrive and adjust.”

“You got the Hydra Sisters to come back?”

“I did,” Hades grinned and puffed his chest. “It took some convincing, but I can be pretty persuasive.”

“Indeed, you can, old friend. And I am ready to leave this all behind,” Janus held out his arms, then clapped them together, getting down to business, “We can be out of here by the end of the week? That’ll give Nari several days of feasting before we head out.”

“Sounds good,” Hades gave him a pat on the shoulder, then stopped, “You know, I do have a gig similar to this one in the Bermuda Triangle. Warmer. Southern. Digs are way better than this place,” Hades looked around, “This really is terrible.”

“It is,” Janus chuckled. Even though the pain of the damned haunted him, he crossed his arms, “Tell me about the gig. Details, Hades…you know that’s where the devil lies.”

“I need to open another entrance. I’ve decided to separate the damned from the blessed. The dark souls will keep coming here, but I’m rerouting the light souls south. It will be some good feasting for a bit. After that influx, there will still be plenty to sustain Nari and keep her happy. You guys can stay as long as you like. No long-term commitment,” said Hades.

“Maybe. What’s in it for us?”

“Aside from a happy siren?” Hades put his hands in a prayer position at his heart, “There’s a little hut on a tiny island in the middle of oceanic nowhere. Very much off the beaten path.”

“Hmmm…” Janus stroked his chin, weighing his options. Warmth. Sunshine. No people. The blessed brought peace instead of pain. His love would be happy. Seemed right up his alley. A smile broke out across his face, “And I’m sure there are margaritas?”

“Hells,” said Hades, “I’ll have a margarita machine installed in your hut and pay that outrageous tab you’ve got at the Tiki Hut.”

“That tab’s a helluva an offer! AND my own machine?” Janus threw back his head and laughed, “How could I say no?”

Hades extended his hand, “Middle of next week sound good?”

“Sun and warmth in ten days? You bet it does.” Janus said, shaking hands.

A new deal was made.

The End

I do hope you enjoyed A Deception, and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

 Feel like you're missing something?

Part I: Janus

 Part II: The Siren

 Part III: Hades

Part IV: The Betrayal

Thank you so much for your support!

~Aspen ✌️


  1. The conditions might be slightly better, but that gig still seems like my idea of hell. Just two people on a remote island. I'd need more than that to not completely lose my mind

    1. Valid point. After being around for millennia after millennia, they have tired of people and crave the peace of nowhere. Plus, Naribelle gets into too much trouble controlling her flesh-eating cravings around humans. It's in everyone's best interest they stay Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! ✌️

  2. Great conclusion to the story! I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  3. The ending is just as important as the beginning, so I love the conclusion of this chapter! The ending line is particularly satisfying as it brings the whole story together so neatly. :)

    1. Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed the story. I appreciate you stopping by!


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